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Google Schemer : A new Social Netwoking site for Adventurers

Google recently launched a Schemer a new way of Telling what you want to do and what you have done it.
What is Schemer?
According to the About Schemer its saying like this "Whether it’s exploring a new city, checking out a friend’s movie recommendation, or just finding new activities for your weekends, Schemer lets you discover new things to do, share schemes with friends, and make the most of your day".
The schemer website is very simple you can have a look at the screenshot.

Fig: Schemer Home
Fig: New Scheme

Fig: Schemer Find stuff to do
To be able to join in schemer you need to have a Google + account. If you do not have a Google plus account then create it now and join in to schemer. Schemer is really a very simple and amazing websites. I bet, if you designed a website like schemer which enables you to login without requiring for any existing social networking profile then it will be a great hit.
