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Showing posts from May, 2012

Google Schemer : A new Social Netwoking site for Adventurers

Google recently launched a Schemer a new way of Telling what you want to do and what you have done it. What is Schemer? According to the About Schemer its saying like this "Whether it’s exploring a new city, checking out a friend’s movie recommendation, or just finding new activities for your weekends, Schemer lets you discover new things to do, share schemes with friends, and make the most of your day" . The schemer website is very simple you can have a look at the screenshot. Fig: Schemer Home Fig: New Scheme Fig: Schemer Find stuff to do   To be able to join in schemer you need to have a Google + account. If you do not have a Google plus account then create it now and join in to schemer. Schemer is really a very simple and amazing websites. I bet, if you designed a website like schemer which enables you to login without requiring for any existing social networking profile then it will be a great hit.